Tuesday 17 May 2011


ok, ok... I joined the legions of people with blogs.. I have been thinking about this for awhile, particularly since the amount of misinformation about nutrition and exercise.. I hope to post useful (with scientific background) information that can help improve everyone knowledge about nutrition and diets, exercise and how to get fit. Feel free to contact me if there is a specific subject you want me to investigate/post about.

I will also blog about my journey as a Roller Derby girl.. I started in November last year with an amazing bunch of girls from the Manchester Roller Derby and have enjoyed my progress to get to grips with the skating and the sport and am looking forward to my first official bouts in June. More on that later.

I also love to craft. I mainly sew, at the moment Roller Derby hotpants, toe guards and everything else Roller Derby.. But I promised my other half, to make some skirts as well.. I recently managed to get some awesome supplies for glass tile pendants, so I will be working on some images to put behind them.. Once done I'll show them off on here

Right that's enough for now.. I need to do some more revising for my Exercise Physiology exam tomorrow..